Friday 2 December 2016

Rumours: Traitor Legions

So with all the content floating around about the Wrath of Magnus book, we are still getting bits and pieces come in for what will be the Traitor Legions, a Chaos Space Marine Codex Supplement. Lets take a look at what we have so far.

Well Games Workshop (GW) gave us the following bit of gold on the 28th of November.

"Each of the nine gains Legion-specific rules that are thematic, characterful and powerful in the game. They reward a player that picks units appropriate to that Legion’s way of war. 
Special rules with names like "The Butcher’s Nails", "Many Heads of the Hydra" and "Iron Within, Iron Without" bring the well-loved background of the Heretic Astartes to life, and will be available to any detachment or formation pledged to the appropriate Legion (much like their loyalist brethren have access to Space Marine Chapter Tactics).
In addition, every Legion gets a Warlord Traits table, Chaos Artefacts and a dedicated Detachment of Formations, further rewarding armies that mirror the Legions as they appear in the background."

So what does this mean and what can we expect?

The 9 Traitor Legions

We should be expecting these bad boys and their legions coming our way:

  • III - Fulgrim's Emperor's Children
  • IV - Perturabo's Iron Warriors
  • VII - Konrads Night Lords
  • XII - Angron's World Eaters
  • XIV - Mortarion's Death Guard
  • XV - Magnus' Thousand Sons
  • XVI - Horus' Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus/Black Legion
  • XVII - Lorgar's Word Bearers
  • XX - Alpharius' Alpha Legion.

Now I am not delirious enough to think that we will see all the Primarch's in this one book, not only would that be too much to really ask for, but the modelling of these bad boys would more likely be spread over a year (or 2). In addition at least 2 of them, being Konrad and Horus, are dead, with Alpharius' status being unknown.

Angels of Death

Angels of Death was a Space Marine Codex Supplement that gave us a Unique Detachment, Legion Special Rules, Warlord Traits, Relics and Tactical Objectives per major Space Marine Chapter Tactic (Iron Hands, Salamanders, White Scars, Raven Guard and Imperial Fists. I think it is fair to assume that based on the comments from Games Workshop that we should expect something similar here.

Wrath of Magnus

The new content from the Wrath of Magnus book, the next chapter in the War Zone Fenris campaign also should shed some light on what to expect. We have a solid review of all the rumoured content over on our Reviews: Wrath of Magnus page.

Within the Wrath of Magnus we see the Thousand Sons get a Thousand Sons specific detachment called the Thousand Sons Grand Coven, as well as a number of Thousand Sons specific rules, formations, relics, warlord traits, and psychic powers. From many sources it sounds like the majority of the Thousand Sons content in the new Traitor's Legion Supplement will be that from the Wrath of Magnus book.

So what can we take from all this?

Well at this stage it is still fairly early days on rumours for the Traitor's Legions, which is odd because it is due to go out on Pre Order shortly, however don't expect too many more new units for Chaos Space Marines. They are unlikely to release a set of rules for units where they don't have models, they have learnt their lessons from the ChapterHouse Studio days.

So until we start getting a good solid look at some leaked images, or get our hands on the book itself, we are only really able to go based on what has been provided previously...

Time will tell

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